Thursday, April 19, 2018

Colexio Salesiano

Ok! So as this is my first blog post I'll try and make it extra special. 

Today is Thursday, 12.00pm. I've just taught my third full lesson. It went SO well. The kids were excited and super keen, but were always quick to put their hands on their head and be quiet when I needed them to be. After yesterday, when a lesson that I was confident about didn't go as well as I wanted it to, I'm so happy that today a lesson I wasn't feeling confident in surprised me.This sums up what this experience has been like for me so far; you never know what's coming next so don't bother making assumptions. 

For instance, when I got my timetable in Chester during training I was a bit upset at how far away from everything it was. I was wrong. My school is SO close to the beach (see below) which is right in the centre of the beautiful city.

I also thought I would have preferred a Valencia placement. I was wrong about this too. In A Coruña we all live together which is super fun, as the people are great. 

Any doubts I had about the weather were also unwarranted. There's PLENTY of sunshine to go around. Here's el gatito peqeño enjoying the 23C heat at the bus stop:

And here's a picture of all those A Coruña clouds and storms we were warned about:

Right, I'm off to this beach now to eat a bocadillo in the sun. 😎

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